Berty's Every Flavour Games

Come be part of the audience for Berty’s new gameshow! It’s a mashup where Taskmaster meets Richard Osman’s House of Games meets Gamechanger meets our version of a contest.

It stars 32 excellent contestants and 8 teams.

The event description we got from Berty

UC Squiggles: hey Berty can you explain what you are going to do this time?

Berty: eh… It’s a not-quiz for non-quizzers.

UC Squiggles: that’s not helping bro

Berty: oh yes that too, it’s a team event! Come take part as a party of 4 and help each other.

UC Squiggles : ah so it’s a party game?

Berty: Partly game partly quiz yes! Let’s put the ‘fun’ in funda and the ‘me’ in game. Meaning YOU get to play games!

UC: :neutral_face: ok. How do we tell other people?

Berty: oh just use this chat