Intensive Course in Improvised Theatre by Improv Lore

If you’ve ever watched Whose Line Is It Anyway?, and wondered how to pull of some of the quick-witted acting the cast manage, this course is for you! Improv Lore’s Intensive Course in Improvised Theatre will help bring out your inner creative spirit, make the stage your friend, and give you the tools to deal with the times your mind goes blank. Besides, it’ll be 12 hours of fun and play. What else do you need from a weekend morning?

The course runs over the course of four consecutive Saturdays.


Day1: Saturday, 18th January
Day 2: Saturday, 25th January
Day 3: Saturday, 1st February
Day 4: Saturday, 8th February


11AM - 2PM on all four days

Who are Improv Lore?

We are a Bangalore-based community-theatre troupe, working towards spreading the art of spontaneous storytelling & unscripted stagecraft, and rekindling the joy of being playful & whimsical. We meet on Wednesdays for Jams, and on weekends for workshops.

You can follow us on Instagram at @improvlore and join our WhatsApp community.