Workshop on Improv Editing Techniques with Madhu Bangalore

Without the luxury of a lighting change or a camera cut, transitions from one scene to another might at times feel confusing to the improvisor and the audience. Learn to seamlessly transition from one scene to another with some fun tools! In this workshop we will talk about the different kind of basic edits that are generally used in long form improv. We will see how we can work them into our scenes and into narratives to enhance the plot.

About Madhu:

Madhu Bangalore has been performing improv for over a decade, having trained in Brave New Workshop & HUGE Theater in Minneapolis, USA. He has taught improv and conducted workshops in US as well as India. He loves long form improv and enjoys the process of creating a make believe universe together! He is very grateful to have the opportunity to work with Improv Lore again and super thrilled to perform and teach improv in the city that he grew up in!

When not on stage or doing his stereotypical day job, he can be seen trying adventure sports that are way beyond his physical capability.